Code of conduct

At Game Habitat, we strive to enable the world’s most diverse, creative, and thriving ecosystem for global game development.

This Code of conduct is developed by Game Habitat for our employees, community, partners and collaborators (see the glossary for more information on the terms used in this document). When we’re using “we” in this text, we refer to everyone who’s part of the community, except where it’s explicitly stated that we are talking about Game Habitat as an organization.

The Code of conduct is a work in progress and was last revised on 10 November 2023. 

The Code of conduct is licensed with a Creative Commons CC-0 license (public domain), which means you are free to modify and use the text without referring to Game Habitat. 

It all starts with us: Together we create the environment we’d like to see. We are all responsible for forming a community and ecosystem where everyone feels welcome, validated, seen, heard, and treated with respect. As an organization, Game Habitat has extended responsibilities. Below, we detail what we mean, what we strive for, how we plan to achieve it, as well as how we’ll handle adverse events.

This is our community 

Our community is created by us all, for us all. We are of different backgrounds, genders, ages, beliefs, orientations, abilities, bodies, and nationalities – and we all see and respect one another. We are aware that we form the present as well as the future, and that we depend on each other. 

As an organization, Game Habitat is mindful that everyone has different backgrounds, prerequisites and access to opportunities. We strive to achieve diversity, inclusion and equity to the top of our abilities, and to be a positive force in the industry at large. 

How does Game Habitat work with diversity, equity and inclusion? 

  • We are constantly making efforts to develop, learn and share tools and frameworks to support a more diverse, inclusive and equal culture and environment within the games industry.
  • We strive to have a gender balanced board and team, representing different perspectives and experiences.
  • We make diversity and equality a part of everything we do, and make sure to consider diversity and inclusion in all of our activities, initiatives, and projects.
  • We take precautions to prevent adverse events from happening, and will take action if something happens. 
  • We listen to what’s happening in the community, as well as outside of it, to keep up with how marginalized people in the industry are doing. 

Our work with these issues is ongoing, and we are open to discussing and learning, together with you, about how to create a welcoming, open and friendly community.

Code of Conduct

This Code of conduct includes employees at Game Habitat and DevHub, inhabitants and visitors of our community spaces, attendees at events (online and offline), participants in workshops and training programs, and organizers/co-organizers of Game Habitat events and activities. Game Habitat also expects members, partners, collaborators and contractors to be aware of and agree with the sentiment of this Code of conduct. See the glossary for more information on the terms used in this document. See also the Swedish Discrimination and Work Environment Acts for reference to what is regulated through Swedish law.

We are kind and respectful to each other.

We communicate with each other in a respectful way, and meet others with the same kindness we would like to receive ourselves. We understand that people have different abilities, prerequisites and communication styles. We give each other the benefit of the doubt before passing judgment.

Safety for everyone.

We are all human and we treat each other as such. Physical, mental and sexual safety and comfort is a basic right for everyone. This means that we combat and oppose harassment, threatening and inappropriate behavior of any kind. Harassment can include, but is not limited to, sexual harassment, sexually charged comments, threats and bullying, stalking, intimidation and belittling, derogatory and mocking speech. Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hateful speech and other discriminatory behavior of any kind is not accepted.

We are all responsible.

We act in the best interests of the community. Everyone is responsible for the well-being and safety of the community, and for intervening to stop any harassment or other unwanted behavior. When we see or hear something that should be acted upon, we do so immediately instead of waiting for someone else to take action. At Game Habitat, we expect those we work with (as detailed here) to take reasonable precautions to prevent harassment in environments they are responsible for.

With power comes responsibility.

When we are in a position of power, we hold extra responsibilities and should be mindful not to use our position to get advantages, groom or exploit other people. If someone is holding us accountable, we should listen, and be prepared to take action.

We learn and develop.

We do our best to see others’ perspectives and to learn and develop as people. In a charged situation, we try to keep an open mind and communicate. If called out for inappropriate behavior: listen to what’s being said, and be prepared to change. We should all be open to acknowledging our blind spots, grow as individuals and organizations, and learn from each other’s experiences.

Did something happen to you - or someone else?

If you’re harassed at one of Game Habitat’s events, programs or community spaces, please reach out to us at Game Habitat. Find contact details here. Every event and program also has organizers or admins listed on-site and/or in the details for the event, program or community space. Also speak up or get in touch if you notice or suspect harassment or other unwanted behavior targeted toward someone else. We are all encouraged to take action and support each other, and provide the attention and care we would like to receive ourselves. If contacting us at Game Habitat doesn’t work for you, you can reach out to someone in the community that you trust, and ask for their guidance.

Here’s what we’ll do

Although every case is unique, this is generally what Game Habitat will do: The person/s in charge of the event, program or activity will take action as soon as they are notified of harassment, discrimination and other inappropriate behavior. If the situation is ongoing, the perpetrator will be removed from the space, and potential reporting to the police may be done. An initial assessment of the situation will be done immediately, and Game Habitat’s first line contacts will be notified when necessary. Game Habitat’s CEO is ultimately responsible to act and follow up on each case, and will select representatives who will communicate with the people involved, assess expert help when needed, and provide care for the victim. If the situation needs investigation, Game Habitat will decide if an independent third party should be involved. If the incident is connected to one specific workplace, it might fall under the Organizational and Social Work Environment Act (see links). You’re welcome to contact Game Habitat through details here and we’ll try to provide support and guidance on how to proceed.

It starts with us

We are all actors in the scene of life. Be the change you wish to see, be prepared to listen, learn and develop, and take an active stance. Let’s create a community we can all be proud of!

Contact Game Habitat


An attendee to an event is an individual who participates or is present at a specific gathering, occasion, or function, connected to Game Habitat.

Code of conduct
A code of conduct is a set of established rules and guidelines that outline expected behavior and ethical standards within an organization or community.

A collaborator is an individual or organization working with Game Habitat on a shared event, project, or program.

Community space
Game Habitat’s community spaces are shared areas or locations for social interaction, engagement, and activities among members of the community. Community spaces can be virtual or physical. Examples are DevHub’s Atrium and Game Habitat’s and DevHub’s Discord servers.

A contractor is a company or individual hired (but not employed) by Game Habitat to perform specific services, tasks, or projects under a contract agreement.

A co-organizer is an individual or entity that collaborates with Game Habitat to plan, manage, and execute an event, workshop or program.

The abbreviation DEI stands for "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," referring to principles and initiatives that promote equal opportunities, representation, and acceptance for individuals from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups.

Game Habitat's DevHub is a community-focused coworking and office building for game developers, located in the heart of Malmö.

Diversity means the presence of a wide range of individual differences, characteristics, and perspectives within a particular group, community, or organization.

An employee at Game Habitat is an individual who is hired by Game Habitat Southern Sweden AB or Game Habitat DevHub AB, for long-term or temporary employment. Trainees and volunteers are also included.

Equity refers to the fair treatment and distribution of resources, opportunities, and support to ensure that all individuals have an equal chance to succeed and thrive, regardless of their background or identity.

Game Habitat
Game Habitat is a community-focused non-profit organization, and the heart of the game industry in southern Sweden.

inclusion means creating a welcoming and supportive environment that actively involves and values individuals from diverse backgrounds, ensuring they feel respected, heard, and empowered to contribute fully.

An inhabitant is a company, organization or self-employed individual that rents a space at Game Habitat's DevHub, as well as the individual employees at those organizations.

A member is an organization that is a member of Game Habitat.

An organizer is an individual or entity responsible for planning, coordinating, and managing all aspects of an event’s or program’s preparation and execution.

A participant refers to an individual who takes part in the activities, learning experiences, or services offered by the event or program.

A partner is a company or organization that has entered into a formal partnership with Game Habitat.

A visitor is an individual who comes to Game Habitat and/or DevHub to engage in social interactions, participate in activities, or utilize the facilities within the community.

A whistleblower is an individual who exposes and reports wrongdoing, unethical behavior, or illegal activities within an organization.

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